Project activities at the time of COVID-19

Starting from March 8, 2020, when the restrictions for the COVID-19 epidemic began in Italy, the LESSWATT project continued its work as far as possible. While the experimental activities are currently pending authorization by the Italian Government, all other technical activities have continued through smart working and the use of video conferences between the partners.

Dissemination and networking activities involving participation in the international conferences SIDISA2020 in Turin, ECOSTP in Milan and WWCE2020 in Copenhagen initially scheduled for spring/summer 2020 have been postponed to the same period of the year 2021. All other activities continue regularly.


L'obiettivo principale del progetto LESSWATT è lo sviluppo di uno strumento innovativo per valutare e minimizzare i contributi diretti e indiretti della carbonfoot print prodotta dalle vasche di ossidazione degli impianti di depurazione.